9 Quotes & Sayings By Clayton Lessor Ma

Clayton Lessor is a renowned author and the founder of the International Business Institute (IBI). Clayton is a frequent speaker and workshop leader. He is a well-published author and has been published in many publications such as: The Huffington Post, Success Magazine, Success Magazine, Chicago Tribune, and The Knowledge to Wealth Network.

Healthy boys grow into healthy men. Clayton Lessor MA
According to most studies on the subject, boys who grow up without fathers grow up at a disadvantage. Clayton Lessor MA
Teaching a boy to be a man is the primary job of a father. Clayton Lessor MA
There’s a wound most troubled boys share, which, at its core, comes from the feeling that they don’t have their father’s unconditional love. Clayton Lessor MA
When a boy feels as if no one cares about him, or as if he will never amount to anything, he truly believes it doesn’t matter what he does. Clayton Lessor MA
Despite what you might believe right now, your son’s future is bright. You only need the right tools to help him get there. Clayton Lessor MA
It’s time to stop dreaming about who you want your son to be and help him become the healthy, happy, and successful man he’s supposed to be. Clayton Lessor MA
Healing, it turns out, is a journey. It doesn’t happen all at once. Clayton Lessor MA